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Price and dates of stays in 2024

Camp Fun to 7-dniowe bądź 10-cio dniowe kolonie dla dzieci. Dwa pierwsze turnusy są dla dzieci z młodszych klas szkoły podstawowej. Kolejne dwa są dla dzieci starszych. Przyjazd na trzy pierwsze turnusy jest w niedzielę ok. 15stej natomiast wyjazd w sobotę po śniadaniu. Ostatni turnus jest przedłużony, przyjazd jest w niedzielę popołudniu a wyjazd we wtorek po 14stej.

Zapewniamy zakwaterowanie w 3 bądź 4 osobowych pokojach z łazienkami, mamy możliwość umieszczenia w jednym pokoju dzieci zgodnie z ich preferencjami (rodzeństwo, z koleżanką lub kolegą). Taką informację należy podać w karcie zgłoszeniowej. 


Tour 1

July 7 - July 13

Price - PLN 2,150

There are no places for this tournament - reserve list

Get a PLN 100 discount by recommending another child to Camp Fun . The discount is calculated from the second installment of the camp fee.

Tour for children aged 7-13.


Turnus 2

July 14 - July 20

Price - PLN 2,150

Get a PLN 100 discount by recommending another child to Camp Fun . The discount is calculated from the second installment of the camp fee.

Tour for children aged 7-12.

The payment is divided into two convenient installments.


Session 3

July 21 - July 27

Cena  - 2290 PLN 

Zdobądź zniżkę 100 PLN polecając udział w Camp Fun innemu dziecku. Zniżka naliczana jest od drugiej raty opłaty za kolonie.

Turnus dla dzieci w wieku 10-15 lat.


Turnus 4

July 28 - August 6

Price - PLN 2,850
This is an extended, 10-day stay, mainly for older children.

Get a PLN 100 discount by recommending another child to Camp Fun .

The discount is calculated from the second installment of the camp fee.

Tour for children aged 9-14.

The payment is divided into two convenient installments.

Caregivers are an important part of our camp, small groups guarantee comfortable work. Our staff has experience in working on camps in the USA and we will be happy to bring the spirit of American colonies to Poland.

The Camp Fun staff consists of caregivers, native speakers who conduct classes in English, a nurse, a rescuer and management staff. Get to know our staff in the about us tab.

What's included in the price?

Zakwaterowanie w 3 lub 4 osobowych pokojach z łazienkami


Daily classes with native speakers in small groups

Sightseeing tours

Development classes: sports and artistic classes conducted in English.

24-hour care by experienced staff

Full day medical care

Personal accident insurance

Mandatory contribution to the Tourist Guarantee and Assistance Fund

Camp Fun - summer camps with native speakers

Getting to the camp.

The "Tęcza" center is located halfway between Warsaw and Lublin. We hope that this location of our camp will be a huge advantage for children and parents. Depending on the needs and interest of parents, it will be possible to organize transport from Warsaw and Lublin for an additional fee.

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